Pool Rules

1. Members and guests are required to follow these rules as well as the instructions of the lifeguards, pool manager, and any board member present at all times. Failure to comply will result in benching (time-out), expulsion from the pool, and/or termination of membership without refund, at the discretion of the lifeguard staff and the pool board.

2. Age restrictions are as follows:

  • Unaccompanied children. Children ages 10 and over may be at the pool unaccompanied by an adultA responsible adult must be reachable and available to pick up the child in the event of injury, expulsion, or unscheduled pool closure.
  • Swim test. Children 12 and under must pass the swim test to use the slide or diving board, to swim in the center section unaccompanied, and to be at the pool unaccompanied by an adult. Swimmers 12 and under who have passed the swim test must wear a wristband.
  • Wading pool. Only children ages 5 and under are permitted in the wading pool. They must be supervised at all times by someone 13 or over.
  • Guests. Children ages 13 or over may sign in a guest.
  • Break. Children ages 15 and under (except Village West lifeguards) must clear the pool during the hourly break.

3. Wading pool.

  • All children within the wading pool enclosure must be supervised at all times by someone age 13 or over.
  • Swimming is at your own risk; there is no lifeguard supervision in the wading pool area.
  • Children who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers.
  • Rafts and noodles are not permitted in the wading pool.

4. Diving boards.

  • Forward dives only. No backwards or sideways dives. No inwards, gainers, cutaways, or other dives that propel the diver towards the board.
  • One person on the board at a time.
  • Only one bounce allowed.
  • Diving well must be clear of swimmers (any swimmers must have reached the ladder) before diving. No waiting underneath a board to “catch” a diver.

5. Slide.

  • Only one person is allowed on the slide at a time. Wait at the bottom of the steps until the platform is clear.
  • Once on the platform, do not slide until the previous slider has cleared the area and moved away from the bottom of the slide.
  • No loitering at the bottom of the slide. No catching sliders.

6. Lap lane.

  • Lap lane is for lap swimmers only. Do not cross the lap lane if there are lap swimmers present.
  • No pulling or hanging on to the lane lines.

7. General.

  • Children may wear water wings or USCG-approved life vests in the main pool only if parent or guardian is within arm’s reach at all times.
  • No diving anywhere except off of diving boards or into deep end.
  • No running, pushing, acrobatics, or wrestling.
  • No dunking, holding down, or climbing on top of another swimmer.
  • No gum, smoking, chewing tobacco, spitting, or glass containers.
  • No profanity.
  • No fighting.
  • Games and ball-throwing are permitted during uncrowded conditions only, at the discretion of the lifeguards.
  • Rafts are permitted only during Friday night float events.
  • No food or beverage in or near the pool. Patrons must clean up after themselves, to include food messes and trash.
  • Patrons are asked to be considerate of other patrons with respect to splashing, furniture use, etc.
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